Useful Links

We hope you find the following links useful.
We cannot accept any responsibility for the content or reliability of the linked-websites listed on this page and we do not necessarily endorse the sites or the views, opinions or treatment options expressed within them.
NHS 111 Wales website
Telephone - 111
Health advice and Information 24 hours a day, every day from the NHS
All Wales Common Ailments Service
Information relating to improvement of patient access to consistent, evidence-based advice for management of common ailments.
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Boardwebsite
Telephone - 03000 858888
Childhood Immunisation Website NHS
Choose Pharmacy
Citizens Advice Bureau website
Telephone - 01745 334568 (Rhyl C.A.B)
DEWIS Cymru - Government resource for local services available to GPs and Practice Staff.
Embarrassing Problems website
Good site for finding out the answers to lots of 'embarrassing problems'
Enviromental Information Regulations
What are the Environmental Information Regulations? | ICO
Family Planning Association website
Advice about Contraception and Sexual Health
Freedom of Information Act
Click HERE for Information relating to the Freedom of Information Act from the Betsi Cadwaladr University Healthboard.
Further information also see:
ICO Model Publication Scheme
model-publication-scheme.pdf (
Fit for Travel website
Telephone - 0800 567 123
Website run by NHS Scotland giving useful advice about health / vaccination requirements for travel to different part of the world
Help Me Quit
Resource for advice and guidance on quitting smoking.
Help With My Weight
Resource for advice on weight management as well as a self referral form.
Look Good Feel Better
Leading Cancer support charity promoting physical and emotional well being.
Look Good Feel Better - Skin Care Workshop
Virtual Skincare & Grooming Workshop - Look Good Feel Better : Look Good Feel Better
Macmillan Cancer Support
Men's Shed
Telephone - 01745 798350
Providing a supportive & friendly environment for men of all ages, background and capabilities to gather together for a variety of activities.
For a variety of medical information on a range of topics.
Online Parenting Intervention to prevent affective disorders in high risk adults
More info HERE
Playing Safely - Safe Sex website
Government funded site to raise awareness about sexually transmitted illness
Prodigy Advice Leaflets and Self-Help Group Details
Prodigy is an NHS Site which provides information leaflets on lots of medical condition and also contains a register of over 2000 self-help groups.
Rhyl City Strategy (RCS)
Local not-for-profit Community Interest Company which was established in 2007 to tackle unemployment and economic inactivity in Rhyl.
Safety Detectives - Protecting your child online
Information and advice on how to ensure your child's safety when using the internet / social media / online gaming.
Wales Eye Care Service (WECS)
For emergency eye care treatment or if you are concerned about your eyesight.
We Care NHS
Practical ideas and & thoughts on how to care for NHS staff.